Overall Rx Program Costs.
While other PBMs may guarantee rebates and discounts, we completely protect your Rx bottom line by guaranteeing your total pharmacy budget.
Our unique Rx solution provides the best of both worlds to employers wishing to eliminate expensive Rx surprises while ensuring their gains from better-than-expected claims experience.
Our clients enjoy.
Guaranteed overall Rx costs and budget predictability

Savings for better-than-expected claims

Advance rebate value built into monthly program charges

Clinical services included at no extra cost

No financial reconciliation required

No separate Stop Loss purchased required

Detailed reporting

Comprehensive member and client services

Full plan design flexibility

Benefit Advisors & Employees - Want to know more?
Members: Please call the number on the back of your ID card or e-mail member.services@benecardpbf.com
Clients: Contact your Client Relations Manager