Case Studies
Fully Insured to Fixed-Rate
Client Profile
Collectively Bargained, Municipality with ~800 Employee Lives
Rx Benefit Profile
Carved-In, Fully Insured Program through Regional Medical Carrier, Population Enrolled in $3/10 and $5/15 R/M Copay
Renewal with Regional Medical Carrier
Benecard Program Cost
Self Funded to Fixed-Rate
Client Profile
Collectively Bargained, Public School District with over ~1,400 employee lives
Rx Benefit Profile
Carved-Out, Self Funded through National PBM, Majority of the Population enrolled in $10 R, $20 MO Copay
Renewal with Regional Medical Carrier
Benecard Program Cost
Fully Insured to Fixed-Rate
Client Profile
Client Profile Collectively Bargained, Public School District, ~400 Employee Lives
Rx Benefit Profile
Carved-In, Fully Insured Program through Regional Medical Carrier, Pool Rated, Population Enrolled in $3/10 and $5/15 R/M Copay
Renewal with Regional Medical Carrier
Benecard Program Cost
Self Funded to Fixed-Rate
Client Profile
Collectively Bargained, Public School District with over ~880 employee lives
Rx Benefit Profile
Carved-Out, Fully Insured Program through Regional Medical Carrier, Population Enrolled in $10/25, $10/10 R/M Copay