Asceniv & Bivigam

December 13, 2022

ADMA Biologics Announces FDA Approval for Room Temperature Storage of Asceniv & Bivigam

ADMA Biologics, Inc., an end-to-end commercial biopharmaceutical company dedicated to manufacturing, marketing and developing specialty plasma-derived biologics, today announced the United States Food and Drug Administration’s (“FDA”) approval for its supplemental
Biologics License Applications (BLAs) for both ASCENIV and BIVIGAM to now include room temperature (25°C) storage conditions for up to 4 weeks during the first 24 months of the 36-month approved shelf
life. The room temperature approval applies to all existing ASCENIV and BIVIGAM lots currently in the commercial supply chain as well as to future production of ASCENIV and BIVIGAM.

ASCENIV (immune globulin intravenous, human – slra 10% liquid) is a plasma-derived, polyclonal, intravenous immune globulin (IVIG). ASCENIV was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2019 and is indicated for the treatment of primary humoral
immunodeficiency (PI), also known as primary immune deficiency disease (PIDD), in adults and adolescents (12 to 17 years of age).

BIVIGAM (immune globulin intravenous, human – 10% liquid) is a plasma-derived, polyclonal, intravenous immune globulin (IVIG). BIVIGAM was approved by the FDA in May 2019 and is indicated for the treatment of primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI), including, but not limited to, the following group of genetic disorders: X-linked and congenital agammaglobulinemia, common variable immunodeficiency, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and severe combined immunodeficiency.

The newly approved room temperature storage labeling for ASCENIV and BIVIGAM is immediately effective, and product is commercially available to U.S. healthcare providers and patients.

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